Warren Owens


Warren presently serves as Assistant Coach of Varsity Team 842, District Advancement Chair in Canyons District and is a certified Leave No Trace Instructor. Previously he served as Advisor to Venturing Crew 842 and Scoutmaster of Troop 842.

Warren was Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop C127 that attended the 2013 National Scout Jamboree in West Virginia and was involved in raising funds for the trek. He has also been instrumental in helping and guiding over 100 Scouts successfully obtain the Eagle Rank. Warren received the District Award of Merit in 2010 and completed Wood Badge in 2012.

In addition to Scouting, Warren has coached AYSO soccer, coached and was elected board member of South Sunrise Little League, has been elected to the Orange Unified School District Site Council, and has been a Young Men's Youth Leader at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for the past 35 years. He lives in Santa Ana with his wife Ann and son, Cameron, an Eagle Scout.