Louis Schmidt


Louis is presently Committee Member of Canyons District, Advisor to Venture Crew 1475 and Explorer Post 445, and Unit Commissioner of Troop and Pack 1475, and Pack 529, plus JOTA Chair in Canyons District for the past five years. Previously, he has served as Cubmaster of Pack 572, Scoutmaster of Troop 51, Camporee Chair, Chapter Advisor to the Chief of Koshare Chapter, Order-of-the-Arrow, and Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 310 in Pinckney, Michigan where he received the Eagle Rank in 1971.

Louis was presented with the Arrowman of the Year in 2006 and the District Award of Merit in 2009. He has completed Wood Badge training.

In addition to Scouting, Louis is a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association, the Southern California Pilots Association, the Airplane Owners Pilots Association the Los Angeles Orienteering Club, and the American Radio Relay League. He conveys his knowledge to both youth and adults in the fields of aviation, radio, orienteering, and emergency preparedness. As a young adult, he was Civil Air Patrol Squadron Commander. Louis lives in Orange with his wife Connie. They have one son, Jake, who received the Eagle Scout Rank in 2008, and one daughter, Jessica.